Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Strategic Management & Policy _Discussion 3

Strategic Management & Policy _Discussion 3

Q In this discussion, debrief your Competitive Round 1. What did you learn from your decisions and rationale for the solutions you implemented in Round 1? What do your reports tell? In particular, focus your responses using the following sections from the Foundation FastTrack: low-tech segment, high-tech segment, and perceptual map. You should carefully review the Foundation FastTrack, as well as your debrief reports, for the round.

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I learned that the data in the Foundation Fast Track is required to be followed in a closer manner. A chief component will be to select the correct strategy of marketing. The plan is to remain close to the consumers and the ideal spot is required to be utilized. Statistics of Low Tech In Competitive Round 1, total unit demand in the industry is 5,544. Actual unit sales in the industry are 5,544. 68.1% is the segment percentage of the total industry.